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May 14, 2014 

After Senator Casey repeatedly urged the Biden Administration to maintain and increase tariffs to combat Chinese Community Party’s unfair, anticompetitive trade practices, the Administration announced it would raise Section 301 tariffs on 12 key sectors including steel and aluminum, semiconductors, and batteries from China.  

May 1, 2024 

Senator Casey joined 6 other senators in sending a letter to President Biden and US Trade Representative Tai calling for the President to maintain Section 301 tariffs on China that protect American steel jobs and punish anti-competitive trade practices.    

April 19, 2024 

Senator Casey joined six other Senators in sending a bipartisan letter to President Biden urging him expeditiously nominate qualified individuals to the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) so that a fully-staffed ITC can protect American workers and businesses.     

April 12, 2024 

Senator Casey joined 12 other senators in sending a bipartisan letter to Secretary of Commerce Raimondo in support of the antidumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) petition filed by the U.S. Aluminum Extruders Coalition in response to unfair trade practices in the aluminum extrusions market by China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.

April 4, 2024 

Senator Casey successfully pushed the US Department of Energy to listen to concerns of Pennsylvania energy workers and to change its electricity transformer the rule to prioritize an American-made supply chain. The rule change protected the jobs of 1,200 Butler County workers at the last domestic grain oriented electrical steel plant—a critical input for our electricity grid and other energy technologies.    

January 19, 2024 

Senator Casey joined with 11 of his senate colleagues to introduce The Distribution Transformer Efficiency & Supply Chain Reliability Act of 2024, which would set realistic energy efficiency standards that would not compromise American steel production.     

December 22, 2023

Senator Casey questioned the Biden Administration’s proposed rule for the 45V hydrogen production tax credit, warning that the rule “may cut out of the equation Pennsylvania workers and businesses that are ready and willing to lead the way on hydrogen power.”   

December 13, 2023

Senator Casey and thirteen of his Senate colleagues wrote a bipartisan letter to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan urging him and the Biden Administration to take action to stop an unsustainable increase in Mexican steel imports.   

December 5, 2023

Senator Casey wrote an op-ed blasting House Speaker Johnson’s decision to block his and Senator Cornyn’s bipartisan Outbound Investment Transparency Act, which previously passed the Senate on a 91-6 vote. Senator Casey wrote, “While efforts to address outbound investment in China have bipartisan support in the House, a small but influential faction of the House Republican Caucus has decided to object to our legislation at the 11th hour. It appears that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and Financial Services Chairman Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) are stopping our bill from being passed as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act. […] If Johnson continues to stand in the way of this bipartisan legislation, he’ll be aligning himself with President Xi Jinping, and against the interests of the American people.”   

November 27, 2023

Senator Casey announced $20 million in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding for Pittsburgh-based CorePower Magnetics to build an advanced metals and component manufacturing facility. The funding will help CorePower Magnetics retrofit a former coal fired power plant to create a domestic manufacturing facility with 10,000 tons of capacity for amorphous metals and magnetic component production.   

November 27, 2023

Senator Casey announced $5.8 million in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding for Alpen High-Performance Products’ (HPP) multi-state project to build the first automated triple- and quadruple-paned insulated glass operation in North America.    

November 21, 2023

Senator Casey and Senator Brown sent a letter to President Biden sharing their serious concerns about potential reductions of Section 232 and 301 tariffs previously imposed on China on national security grounds.  

November 9, 2023

Senator Casey and Senator Scott (FL) introduced their bipartisan Disclosing Investments in Foreign Adversaries Act to provide transparency when  U.S. hedge funds and private equity firms invest Americans’ savings and pensions in countries of concern like China and Russia.  

November 8, 2023

Senator Casey voted against a resolution to effectively remove Buy American standards for electric vehicle (EV) chargers and force the United States to continue relying on China for products critical to the next generation of clean vehicle infrastructure.    

November 3, 2023

Senator Casey and four of his senate colleagues sent a letter to Biden Administration officials urging them to correct the Department of the Treasury’s guidance on an Inflation Reduction Act program that would undercut American manufacturers and workers. The senators called on the Treasury to reexamine their guidance for the IRA’s Domestic Content Bonus Credit to ensure that steel and iron in solar electricity generation projects are produced in the United States. 

October 23, 2023

Senator Casey announced a $400,000 Tech Hub planning grant funded by the CHIPS and Science Act to further develop the manufacturing sector in North Central Pennsylvania. The grant will help to position North Central Pennsylvania as a leader in the pressed materials industry, a critical part of the in-demand electric vehicle sector.  

October 23, 2023

Senator Casey announced that Southeastern Pennsylvania was selected as Regional Technology and Innovation Hub for life sciences. Created by the CHIPS and Science Act, the Tech Hubs program is an economic development initiative aimed at accelerating growth in technology sectors, and the high-paying jobs that come with it, in cities and communities across the country. Prior to the announcement, Senator Casey wrote a letter of support of Ben Franklin Technology Partners Tech Hub’s application and hosted U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra for a visit to Philadelphia to showcase the strength of the region’s biotechnology sector.   

October 13, 2023

Senator Casey announced that the Department of Energy  awarded up to $925 million to develop a hydrogen hub spanning four Appalachian states including Pennsylvania. The award was funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.   

October 13, 2023

Senator Casey announced the Department of Energy awarded up to $750 million to develop a hydrogen hub in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware. In April 2023, Senator Casey wrote to Secretary Granholm, urging her to select the Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub application for a hydrogen hub program under the bipartisan infrastructure law.   

October 10, 2023

Senator Casey announced $10 million for Pittsburgh-based Catalyst Connection to support small manufacturers in the region expand and succeed in the clean energy and green technology sectors.   

August 31, 2023

Senator Casey announced that the U.S. Department of Energy made a conditional commitment for a $398.6 million loan to Eos Energy Enterprises to support the construction and production of next-generation American-made battery systems at their facility in Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania. Eos cited Senator Casey’s work that secured a domestic content tax credit in the Inflation Reduction Act as playing a role in their scaling up production of Eos Z3™ zinc-bromine batteries using primarily domestically sourced materials using this loan.

August 9, 2023

Senator Casey praised President Biden’s signing of an executive order to set up an outbound investment screening process. This executive order came about after a long campaign by Senator Casey urging its enactment. In September 2022, Senator Casey led a bipartisan letter to President Biden urging him to sign an executive order to establish oversight over outbound investments in foreign adversaries like China. In December 2022, Senator Casey secured funding for the Commerce and Treasury departments to set up an outbound investment screening by executive order. 

July 25, 2023

Senator Casey and Senator Cornyn announced Senate passage of their Outbound Investment Transparency Act, which would give the U.S. visibility into vulnerabilities and risks posed when the Chinese government has access to American technology and know-how in national security sectors. The Senate attached the bill the National Defense Authorization Act by a vote of 91-6.

June 30, 2023

Senator Casey delivered a speech in Pittsburgh laying out his vision for “Countering Chinese Influence by Investing in American Workers and Manufacturing.” In the speech, Senator Casey argued that the U.S. has the ability to take control of its economic future by investing in American workers and communities, revitalizing domestic manufacturing and industry, and combatting the growing threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party’s economic aggression.

June 1, 2023 

Senator Casey joined 47 of his Senate colleagues in sending a bipartisan letter to Secretary of Energy Granholm opposing a proposed rule on energy transformers that would jeopardize the jobs of 1,200 workers in Butler County.  

May 31, 2023

Senator Casey and Senator Baldwin introduced legislation to include American-manufactured motorcycles among the vehicles eligible for the clean vehicle tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Electric Motorcycle Parity Act would help millions of motorcycle drivers afford American-made, environmentally-friendly motorcycles and strengthen American manufacturing and create jobs while protecting our environment for generations to come.

May 18, 2023

The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing to examine tax credits that Senator Casey fought to include in the Inflation Reduction Act that will incentivize the creation of good-paying jobs and investment in energy communities—areas with economies that are or have been dependent on coal, oil, and natural gas. Senator Casey invited Patty Horvatich of Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, an affiliate of the Allegheny Conference on Community Development, to testify on how these tax credits are already driving new businesses to Southwestern Pennsylvania.

May 12, 2023

Senator Casey applauded the U.S. Department of Treasury guidance of tax credits for companies to build American-made clean energy facilities. The guidance implemented a Casey-led provision of the Inflation Reduction Act that gives companies a “domestic content” bonus credit for using American steel, iron, and manufactured goods in new clean energy projects.

April 14, 2023

Senator Casey sent a letter to Commerce Secretary Raimondo, urging swift implementation of the Tech Hubs program, created by the CHIPS and Science Act, and made the case for why Pennsylvania is an ideal location for a Tech Hub. 

March 29, 2023

Senators Casey, Fetterman, Baldwin, and Brown sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Yellen to prioritize American manufacturing and workers in the implementation of the clean energy tax credits passed in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The Senators argued that tax credits will give American workers a competitive advantage against Chinese manufacturers who are racing to own the clean energy manufacturing market. When the Administration subsequently released its guidelines, Senator Casey said, “with the release of this guidance, companies will see that it pays to use American steel, iron, and other goods in their manufacturing processes. When we prioritize American workers and American products, we not only bolster our economy and supply chains, we outcompete countries like China.”    

March 3, 2023

Senator Casey wrote a letter to Commerce Secretary Raimondo, advocating for Pennsylvania as an optimal destination for semiconductor investments made possible by the CHIPS and Science Act.

March 2, 2023

Senator Casey and Senator Brown sent a letter to President Biden urging him to rescind the suspension of market-balancing tariffs on Chinese solar product importers in four southeast Asian countries to level the playing field for American manufacturers and workers and give them the opportunity to better compete in the global economy. After the Biden Administration declined to do so, Senator Casey voted for legislation to rescind the tariff suspension.

September 29, 2022

Senator Casey testified in front of the Senate Banking Committee in support of safeguarding U.S. supply chains and national security by screening U.S. companies’ outbound investments in adversarial countries. In his testimony, Senator Casey highlighted the massive investments U.S. businesses are making in high-tech companies with ties to the Chinese government and warned of the potential risks if the United States continues to allow bad actors to play a vital role in our national and economic security interests.

August 7, 2022

Senator Casey voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, which included Senator Casey’s amendments that require some clean energy projects to meet strict domestic content standards to receive tax credits. Further, the Inflation Reduction Act included a 10% bonus tax credit for all clean energy projects meeting domestic content standards.

July 27, 2022

The Senate passed the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act to invest in American technology, innovation, and manufacturing, particularly in the semiconductor industry. Senator Casey voted for the law and said that “when we lift up American workers, we can outcompete anyone in the world.”

April 1, 2022

Senator Casey and Senator Heinrich introduced the First Three Act to spark critical innovation and investments in domestic industrial decarbonization technologies, ensuring the U.S. is on the path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while boosting the global competitiveness of American industry.

February 9, 2022

Senators Casey, Portman, and Senator Brown wrote to Commerce Secretary Raimondo and US Trade Representative Tai urging them to take action to protect the United States only remaining manufacturer of grain-oriented electrical steel.

January 28, 2022

After the US International Trade Commission issued a report Senator Casey and Senator Cornyn requested on censorship by foreign governments, Senator Casey said, “USITC report shows that the Chinese government’s increasingly aggressive censorship practices hurt our ability to invest in international markets, which ultimately hurts our workers. The United States has a responsibility to fight back against digital authoritarianism.”    

November 15, 2021

The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was signed into law and contained multiple provisions secured by Senator Casey. The bill contained funding for the first-ever national network of electric vehicle (EV) chargers, including $171 million for Pennsylvania to expand its EV charging network and lead efforts to address the climate crisis and support American manufacturing jobs.

November 1, 2021

Senator Casey praised the agreement between the US and European Union on steel and aluminum tariffs, stating that “this agreement will protect our national security and economic interests, close loopholes that have enabled China to game the global trade system and level the global playing field by taking into account American efforts to reduce the carbon intensity of steel production.”

October 7, 2021

Senator Casey joined seven of his senate colleagues to introduce the American Energy Worker Opportunity Act, which would provide critical resources and training opportunities to assist and empower workers whose jobs are affected by the energy industry’s move toward renewable sources.

September 13, 2021

Senators Casey, Brown, and Warren announced the reintroduction of the Market Economy Sourcing Act to reduce the United States’ dependency on foreign supply chains and non-market economies. 

September 10, 2021 

Senators Casey, Brown, and Warren wrote a letter to US Trade Representative Tai urging her “incorporate supplemental rules of origin related to content from non-market economies, like China, in addition to strong rules of origin” in her office’s “top-to-bottom” review of the United States’ China trade policy.

August 6, 2021

Senators Casey, Brown, and Cassidy filed a bipartisan amendment to the infrastructure bill to protect US steel workers at Cleveland Cliffs whose electrical steel is being undercut by Russia and China.    

May 24, 2021

Senator Casey and Senator Cornyn introduced their National Critical Capabilities Defense Act as an amendment to the United States Innovation and Competition Act, which would require disclosure and review of proposed offshoring critical supply chains and capabilities to foreign adversaries. 

April 30, 2021

At the Economic Policy Institute, Senator Casey gave a speech entitled “Promoting a New China Policy that Invests in America.”

December 23, 2020

Senator Casey and Senator Cortez Masto co-authored a blog post for the Council on Foreign Relations on women’s economic empowerment in trade.

June 18, 2020

Senator Casey and Senator Cortez Masto introduced the Women’s Economic Empowerment in Trade Act to ensure the rights of women are incorporated as required standards for the Generalized System of Preferences.

June 18, 2020

Senator Casey introduced the Market Economy Sourcing Act, which would ensure future trade agreements prevent free-riding from non-market economies (NMEs), like China.

January 16, 2020

Senator Casey voted for the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and said that “it represents progress from the status quo” and that “the initial version negotiated by the Trump Administration was a corporate trade deal and completely unacceptable. Democrats in Congress made substantial improvements in enforcement and other areas, like allowing workers to bring cases against firms that violate their rights.”     

June 27, 2019

Senator Casey and six other senators wrote to President Trump “to express concern about reports that your administration is delaying the imposition of targeted sanctions against Chinese officials involved in human rights abuses against the Uyghur and central Asian Muslim population in Xinjiang in order to allow for the conclusion of bilateral trade negotiations.”    

May 16, 2018

Senator Casey and 31 other senators wrote to President Trump in opposition to the President’s announcement that he directed the Department of Commerce to look at easing penalties imposed on China-based company ZTE for violations that included selling sensitive U.S. technologies to Iran and North Korea in violation of US sanctions laws.

March 22, 2023

Senator Casey praised the Trump Administration’s announcement concerning new trade enforcement efforts against China and urged to the Administration to build on it as part of a comprehensive strategy to address China’s unfair trade practices.

March 8, 2018

Senators Casey, Portman, and Brown wrote to President Trump expressing concerns that the Administration’s proposed remedy for steel “is incomplete when it comes to electrical steel.”

March 1, 2018

Senator Casey commended the Trump Administration for taking action to impose steel tariffs to protect steelworkers from countries, like China, that cheat on trade, though he noted the actions took “the Administration far too long.”    

February 16, 2018

Senator Casey and Senator Wyden held a field hearing of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on International Trade in Monaca, Pennsylvania to discuss ongoing efforts to safeguard America’s industrial base.    

December 15, 2017

In a letter to President Trump, Senator Casey and four other senators blasted the 2017 tax bill for incentivizing companies to outsource jobs.    

November 9, 2017

After President Trump said in Beijing that he did not blame China for its unfair trade practices, Senator Casey said, “our nation sure as hell should blame China for their trade cheating,” and urged President Trump to stop delaying the Commerce Department’s efforts to address trade cheating by China.

October 30, 2017

Senator Casey praised Commerce Secretary Ross’ announcement that the Department of Commerce would begin an antidumping investigation into practices by China, Italy, and Taiwan and a countervailing duty investigation into alleged unfair Chinese subsidies.    

October 23, 2017

Senator Casey and eight other senators wrote to President Trump and Commerce Secretary Ross urging them to focus on quickly leveling the playing field for steel and aluminum workers rather than tax cuts for the wealthiest.     

May 18, 2017

Senator Casey praised the Trump Administration’s notice to Congress that it would be renegotiating NAFTA.    

April 20, 2017

Senator Casey said he appreciated the Trump Administration heeding his calls to address steel dumping.    

April 5, 2017

Prior to President Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi, Senator Casey and 11 other senators wrote to President Trump urging him to take meaningful action to confront China’s actions distorting the global steel and aluminum markets, its lack of a market economy, its currency manipulation, and industrial espionage. After the summit, Senator Casey called out President Trump for being “all talk and no action when it comes to China’s cheating on trade.”    

March 31, 2017

Senator Casey supported President Trump’s executive orders on trade and called on him to follow through on his promises to crack down on countries, like China, that cheat and renegotiating bad trade deals.    

January 23, 2017

Senator Casey backed President Trump’s executive order to remove the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and his steps to renegotiate NAFTA.    

January 17, 2017

In a meeting with Vice President-elect Pence, Senator Casey “encouraged Vice President-elect Pence to move forward with President-elect Trump’s stated desire to crackdown on countries that cheat on trade” and called on the Trump Administration to take “swift action” to “ensure that all countries are playing by the rules when it comes to trade.”    

May 11, 2015

 Senator Casey and thirteen other senators sent a letter to US Trade Representative Froman calling for all participating countries to complete implementation of strong labor standards before allowing the Trans-Pacific Partnership to go into effect.    

April 16, 2015

Senator Casey said that a recently announced agreement on Trade Promotion Authority legislation would “pave the way for another NAFTA-style deal that costs jobs and hurts Pennsylvania’s economy.” After committee markup of the legislation, he reiterated his opposition.     

March 18, 2015

Senator Casey called for the FDA to implement a federal standard of identity for honey to address honey smuggling by China. Previously, Senator Casey secured passage of legislative language that led to a 2015 report on this practice, called “honey laundering,” a scheme that undercuts Pennsylvania’s honey industry and brings potentially unsafe substances into the country. In 2011, Senator Casey called on US Customs and Border Protection to crackdown on China’s practice of illegally smuggling honey into the United States.     

January 13, 2015

Senator Casey joined a bipartisan group of his senate colleagues to introduce legislation to repeal the medical device tax, noting that the tax “presents significant challenges for businesses in Pennsylvania who innovate and create jobs.” The tax would eventually be repealed as part of the FY 2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act.

September 16, 2014

Senator Casey joined 30 other senators in sending a letter to Commerce Secretary Pritzker, supporting the Department of Commerce’s decision to initiate investigations into Chinese tire imports.    

July 9, 2014

Senators Casey and Schumer sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Lew warning that the Obama Administration’s trade agenda would be in jeopardy without meaning results on China’s currency manipulation.    

May 19, 2014

Senator Casey expressed outrage over China’s hacking of Pennsylvania companies to steal trade secrets.     

May 1, 2014

Senator Casey and eight other senators sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Vilsack and US Trade Representative Froman calling on them to secure immediate duty elimination of Japan’s tariff on American grape juice concentrate.    

April 4, 2014

In a letter Agriculture Secretary Vilsack and US Trade Representative Froman, Senator Casey and a bipartisan group of Senators called on the Obama Administration to reject attempts by the European Union to block US meat producers from using and exporting products commonly held meat names that have European origins like ‘bologna,’ ‘bratwurst’ or ‘black forest ham’ during ongoing trade negotiations. Senator Casey noted these EU proposals could hurt Pennsylvania meat producers of products like Lebanon Bologna.    

January 10, 2014

Senators Casey, Brown, Cardin, and Stabenow urged the Obama Administration to better consult with Congress in advance of any consideration of Trade Promotion Authority (fast track authority).     

December 17, 2013

Senator Casey sent letters to Italy’s president and foreign minister, urging them to reconsider Italy’s decision to close consulate in Philadelphia. Senator Casey noted the consulate’s role in facilitating trade between Pennsylvania businesses and Italy. Three days later, Italy reversed its decision to close its Philadelphia consulate.    

October 31, 2013

Senator Casey joined nine other senators to send a bipartisan letter to US Trade Representative Froman to address unnecessary European Union (EU) regulations that led to a steep drop in the export of US apples and pears to the EU.    

September 24, 2013

Senator Casey joined a bipartisan group of his colleagues in calling for the Obama Administration to address currency manipulation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks.    

June 25, 2013

Senator Casey joined eight other senators in urging President Obama to suspend trade preferences for Bangladesh until it makes marked progress on efforts to improve worker safety.

April 12, 2013

In response to the news that the Obama Administration would drop its objection to Japan’s inclusion in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Senator Casey urged the Administration to consider Japan’s past actions to block American made cars and auto parts and use upcoming negotiations to ensure that Japan play by the rules.    

February 12, 2013

Senator Casey said that his priorities as a newly appointed Senate Finance Committee member would include continuing his “efforts to level the playing field for American manufacturers through reasonable trade policy.”    

September 17, 2012

After the Obama Administration filed a trade complaint against China over its practices in the auto sector, Senator Casey said, “today’s action is a step in the right direction to level the playing field. While the announcement is welcome news, there is much more the Administration can do to confront China’s rampant cheating and I will continue to urge them to take additional action.”    

July 18, 2012

Senator Casey introduced legislation to make businesses that move call center jobs overseas ineligible for federal funding.

June 4, 2012

Senator Casey wrote to Speaker Boehner urging him to take up and pass the bipartisan Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act, which had previously passed the Senate. Senator Casey later joined 20 other senators in sending a similar letter to Speaker Boehner.    

May 10, 2012

In a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, Senator Casey raised questions about the Federal Reserve’s recent decision to allow three Chinese, state-owned, banks to begin to offer or expand retail banking services in the United States.    

February 23, 2012

Senator Casey praised the SEC for announcing charges against two Chinese executives who allegedly set up a shell corporation to scheme U.S. investors out of their money. The prior December, Senator Casey wrote to the SEC Chairwoman to urge the SEC to investigate how Chinese companies gain access to American capital markets and make recommendations on how to better protect American investors.

January 9, 2012

Senator Casey wrote to Treasury Secretary Geithner, calling on him to use his upcoming trip to China to confront the country over its abuse of international trade laws and specifically its efforts to manipulate its currency, all practices that cost jobs in Pennsylvania.     

October 12, 2011

Senator Casey announced he would vote against pending free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama because he felt the agreements would not create jobs nor create a level playing field nor provide opportunities for American manufacturers to export.     

September 22, 2011

Senator Casey joined 20 other senators to introduce bipartisan legislation to crack down on China’s currency manipulation, The Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011. The legislation subsequently passed the Senate and Senator Casey called on Speaker Boehner to bring it up for a vote in the House.    

September 20, 2011

Senator Casey highlighted an Economic Policy Institute report finding that the US trade deficit with China cost Pennsylvania 106,970 jobs between 2001 and 2010.    

August 4, 2011

Senator Casey joined 11 other senators in sending a letter to congressional appropriations leaders calling for the end of U.S. development aid to China. The letter noted the US had provided $275 million in direct assistance to China since 2001.

July 21, 2011

Ahead of the President’s meeting with New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Senator Casey sent a letter to President Obama urging him to address unfair trade practices by New Zealand that hurt Pennsylvania dairy farmers and to protect Pennsylvania dairy farmers during Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations. The prior year, Senator Casey wrote to US Trade Representative Kirk expressing similar concerns.    

June 28, 2011

Senator Casey and Senator Brown blasted the Obama Administration and Congressional leaders’ efforts to link Trade Adjustment Assistance extension to the US-South Korea Free Trade Agreement and introduced their own standalone Trade Adjustment Assistance legislation.    

June 15, 2011

Senator Casey and Senator Brown outlined their Rebalancing America’s Trade and Globalization Agenda. The senators called for a robust trade enforcement package, an extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance, and addressing non-market barriers before Congress considers additional free trade agreements.    

March 15, 2011

Senators Casey and three of his colleagues sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Geithner and Interior Secretary Salazar urging them to use their power to block Chinese mining projects until China agrees to participate fairly in the global trade of critical rare earth elements.    

January 19, 2011

Senator Casey urged President Obama to press Chinese leader Hu Jintao to end unfair trade practices and announced that he, Senator Schumer, and Senator Stabenow would introduce The Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011.

September 9, 2010

Senator Casey applauded a Trade Act petition filed by the United Steelworkers taking issue with unfair trade practices by China in the clean energy sector. The following month Senator Casey voiced his approval of the US Trade Representative’s decision to take action on the petition and investigate China’s unfair trade practices in the clean energy sector.

September 2, 2010

After the Obama Administration’s Commerce Department announced a preliminary decision to not investigate currency manipulation by China, Senator Casey called on the department to reconsider.    

August 31, 2010

After Senator Casey urged the department to do so, the US Department of Labor granted Trade Adjustment Assistance to laid-off Owens-Illinois workers in the Clarion area.    

August 4, 2010

Senator Casey joined 10 other senators in sending a bipartisan letter to President Obama calling for stronger action against unfair trade practices abroad, particularly currency manipulation by the Chinese government.

March 31, 2010

Senator Casey led a bipartisan letter to Treasury Secretary Geithner urging him to list China as a currency manipulator. Five other senators joined Senator Casey’s letter.

March 16, 2010

Senator Casey was part of a bipartisan group of 14 senators who introduced the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2010 to confront China’s currency manipulation. 

February 24, 2010

During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Senator Casey highlighted budget items that promote US exports and US businesses abroad.    

October 28, 2009

Senator Casey led a letter to the Secretary of Commerce and the US Trade Representative urging them to take action against Chinese trade policies that hurt American glass manufacturers. Seven other senators joined Senator Casey’s letter.    

September 23, 2009

Senator Casey wrote a letter urging the Department of Labor to approve Trade Adjustment Assistance for 1,500 workers laid off at the GE Transportation plant in Erie, PA (now part of Wabtec).    

January 31, 2008

Senator Casey joined seven other senators in writing to Senate Majority Harry Reid, calling for the Senate to prioritize trade legislation addressing China’s currency manipulation, unfair subsidies, trade law and counterfeit enforcement problems, imported food and product safety.    

December 4, 2007

Senator Casey voted against the Peru Free Trade Agreement because he believed the Bush Administration would not enforce the agreement’s labor and environmental standards.

June 12, 2007

Senator Casey and other Senators met with Bush Administration US Trade Representative Schwab to urge the Administration to include real enforcement of labor and environmental standards and benchmarks for success in US trade deals.