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Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) announced the unanimous passage of a resolution recognizing the pervasive threats to freedom of the press and expression around the world.

“With passage of this resolution, the Senate has made clear that persistent attacks on the media and minimization of journalism as ‘fake news’ are unacceptable,” said Senator Casey. “Journalists take incredible risks to tell the truth about major events in the world, and face intimidation and violence for shining light on corruption and exposing abuse. This resolution recognizes the importance of press freedom for both strong and nascent democracies, and affirms that it should be a central pillar of U.S. policy at home and abroad.”

“Press freedom and freedom of expression are under assault globally,” said Senator Rubio. “This resolution reaffirms our commitment to promoting democratic values and human rights around the world, and I commend the Senate for reinforcing the vital role a free press plays in any healthy democracy.”

“My father was a journalist, and he always told me he wasn’t doing his job unless he was asking tough questions every single day,” Senator Wyden Said. “I’m proud to call on this administration to support reporters and journalists working to shed light on repression and to hold the powerful accountable. No journalist in America or around the world should face jail, harassment or threats to his or her life just for asking tough questions.”

More on the resolution:

As the global community continues to grapple with the recent slaying of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the 2017 death of journalist Chris Allen of Pennsylvania in South Sudan, the bipartisan resolution reaffirms freedom of the press as a priority in the efforts of the U.S. to promote good governance. It also calls on governments to investigate and resolve cases of violence against journalists and calls on the President and Secretary of State to commit to making freedom of the press a central pillar of U.S. democracy promotion.

