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Senators Praise Bipartisan Vote, Call for Quick Action in Senate / Casey, Burr Have Led Senate Effort to Secure 74 Senate Cosponsors, Move Bill to Brink of Becoming Law / Bill Has Been Called “..The broadest legislation to help the disabled in nearly a quarter-century.”

Washington DC- U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Richard Burr (R-NC) released statements following the House’s bipartisan vote in favor of the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act. The bill will allow families who have a child with a disability to save for their long-term care through 529-style savings accounts.

Senator Casey: “The ABLE Act has never been closer to getting to the President’s desk and I’m increasingly hopeful we’ll get it there during this session. From the beginning the power of these families who want to save for their loved ones’ long term care has propelled the ABLE Act forward. It’s now time for the Senate to take this legislation up and provide families who have a child with a disability the added security they need.”

Senator Burr: “I am incredibly pleased that the House passed the ABLE Act this evening.  Families of individuals with disabilities often face overwhelming financial burdens associated with the expensive costs of healthcare, education, housing and transportation,” Burr said.  “The ABLE Act will make it easier for parents of disabled individuals to invest in their child’s future, thereby opening the door to a world of opportunities. I am confident the Senate will swiftly pass the ABLE Act”

