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ALLENTOWN, PA- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today joined Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, local law enforcement and school district officials to announce federal funding Senator Casey secured for the ALERT Allentown Anti-Gang Initiative for gang prevention. 

“Allentown has long been a leader in anti-gang initiatives,” said Senator Casey.  “This federal funding will help the project continue its mission as it slows the recruitment of youth into a gang lifestyle and develops strategies for early intervention to remove young people from gangs.  I was glad to join Congressman Dent in securing this federal funding.” 

“It is logical that the more our police investigate, arrest and take gang members off our streets, the harder illegal gangs work to recruit their replacements,” said Mayor Pawlowski.  “As we increase our efforts to take down gangs and use all the legal tools available to get convictions and lengthy prison sentences, we must work just as hard to see that no replacement members are available.”

The new federal funds included in the recently enacted Fiscal Year 2009 Omnibus Appropriations bill will maintain and enhance prevention programs developed through the Allentown Anti-Gang Task Force.   The task force works to pursue innovative community solutions aimed at preventing youth street gang activity in Allentown. The ALERT Partnership, a founding member of the task force, has served Allentown for 20 years. 

Earlier this year, Senator Casey introduced bipartisan legislation to help reduce crime among our youth and prevent young people from going to prison.  The Youth PROMISE Act (Youth Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Support and Education) will enable local jurisdictions to apply proven strategies that will prevent and redirect youth away from delinquency, create safer communities and save money.
