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Environmental Protection Agency award to fund water infrastructure improvements, protect against extreme weather events

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is awarding Pennsylvania $240,167,000 from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to improve water infrastructure. This funding will supplement the $67 million awarded to Pennsylvania for its Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds in fiscal year 2022. The funding will be used help communities access safe, clean water, repair aging pipes, collect and treat wastewater and build resiliency in the face of extreme weather events—which have become increasingly common as the climate crisis continues.

“All communities deserve access to clean, safe water. This funding will expand access to clean drinking water, invest in projects that collect and treat wastewater to protect public health and improve water resources for all to enjoy. Investments like these are particularly important because they reach many families who have historically been marginalized. And, as we continue to face the worsening effects of the climate crisis, this investment will mean increased resiliency in the face of unpredictable weather patterns like floods and hurricanes,” said Senator Casey.

The funding will go to PENNVEST and will advance the Biden Administration’s Justice40 initiative, which aims to deliver at least 40 percent of the benefits of certain federal programs to underserved communities, advancing environmental justice.