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Funding is Contained in the Fiscal Year 2008 DoD Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today announced legislation has been signed into law to provide $2.5 million to help improve communication between the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), the Pennsylvania National Guard (PANG) and local first responders.   The project is contained in the Fiscal Year 2008 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill.

Kimball Associates, located in Ebensburg, Cambria County, will assist the Pennsylvania Guard and PEMA in developing this network. 

“I applaud Congress and the President for approving this request to fund this critical project,” said Casey.  “These funds will give the PA National Guard and PEMA the technology they need to communicate with local first responders in an emergency.  Once this network is fully implemented, first responders across the state should benefit from this system.  I will continue to fight to help ensure that Pennsylvania’s first responders have the resources they need.”

Currently local responders are unable to effectively communicate with the Pennsylvania National Guard and PEMA in emergency situations.  This technology will help alleviate this problem by strengthening the ability of local first responders to communicate with other agencies in the event of an emergency.  

This project is one of Senator Casey’s top priorities in this year’s spending bill.  President Bush signed the DoD Appropriations Bill into law earlier today. 

