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WASHINGTON, DC-U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded a $630,132 grant to Pennsylvania to increase enrollment in school meal programs.

“Hunger exacts serious tolls on the health and development of children and can lead to poor health as well as behavioral and developmental issues,” said Senator Casey.  “By ensuring that every eligible child is enrolled in a school meal program, we can not only reduce hunger and provide proper nutrition, but also prevent obesity, strengthen schools and boost children’s health, development and school achievement.”

The funding for Pennsylvania is a portion of $1.9 million in USDA grants announced today going to five states to increase enrollment in school meal programs through direct certification and verification processes. Direct certification allows States and local educational agencies to automatically certify children enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program (TANF) for free school meals without the need for household applications.  Medicaid records also can be matched to simplify verification of eligibility for school meals programs.

Pennsylvania will use its funds to identify children who are enrolled in Medicaid that are eligible to receive school meals but are currently not signed up for a school meal program.

These grants are intended to improve access, increase accuracy and reduce paperwork in school nutrition programs by simplifying the certification and verification process, thereby ensuring that every eligible child is enrolled in a school meal program.
