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Project essential for economic enhancement and safety

WASHINGTON, DC – United States Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today announced that the Senate Appropriations Committee approved $300,000 under the FY08 Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill for the extension of sewage collection lines along State Route 88 in Monongahela Township. This project is one of Senator Casey’s top priorities in this year’s spending bill. 

“While this is just the first step in the process, I applaud the Appropriations Committee for approving this request to fund this critical project,” said Casey.  “Upgrades to sewer collections lines are crucial for the protection of our surface water and will enhance economic development in the area. Greene County will benefit immensely from this funding and I will continue to fight to help ensure residents of the area have the resources they need.” 

Waynesburg, PA will use this funding for the extension of sewage collection lines along State Route 88 in Monongahela Township.  The capacity expansion will enhance the economic opportunity for housing construction along the corridor and eliminate malfunctioning on-lot septic systems in the area, thus enhancing the public health and providing remediation of serious environmental conditions in the area.  Approximately 80 housing units and 9 businesses would be served by this project, as well as opening up a significant amount of acreage for future development once public sewage is made available. 

The Appropriations Bill for Interior-Environment passed the Appropriations Committee and will head to the floor for a full vote before the Senate. The bill will then proceed to the House-Senate Conference Committee, before final passage in both chambers, and it is expected to be signed into law later this fall.

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