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Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) is releasing a statement following the Wolf Administration’s announcement that Pennsylvania will distribute approximately $1.2 billion of American Rescue Plan funding to home and community-based services for seniors and people with disabilities:

“The United States is in the midst of a caregiving crisis. Seniors and people with disabilities struggle to find and afford reliable care, forcing family members out of the workforce to care for a loved one. Despite doing critical, often backbreaking work, caregivers often struggle to support their own families because they are paid only $12 an hour on average. Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan to help rebuild the economy after the pandemic, and I applaud Governor Wolf for prioritizing investments in home and community-based services for seniors, people with disabilities, their families and caregivers. Pennsylvania families will soon feel the impacts of this legislation. Now the Senate has to build on the progress of the American Rescue Plan and pass the Build Back Better Act to make permanent, critical investments in home care. I will continue to fight to ensure that Americans who need home care are able to access it and caregivers receive benefits and compensation commensurate to their vital work,” said Senator Casey.

Through the American Rescue Plan, Pennsylvania was expected to receive $730 million for home and community-based services. However, Pennsylvania ended up receiving $1.2 billion to invest in home care. These funds will help stabilize the direct care workforce and make it possible for the Commonwealth to develop a strong network of caregivers to support people with disabilities and older adults.

In June 2021, Senator Casey introduced the Better Care Better Jobs Act to strengthen and expand access to quality home care services and lift up the caregiving workforce that provides them. Senator Casey has traveled across Pennsylvania, visiting with home care recipients and caregivers to hear their stories. Senator Casey introduced President Biden to Pennsylvania residents Brandon and his caregiver Lynn, who spoke about the importance of investing in home and community-based services in the Build Back Better Act.