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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today applauded the U.S. Department of Transportation’s decision to fund high speed rail projects affecting Pennsylvania. The Keystone Corridor will receive $40 million for improvements to increase speed and reliability between Harrisburg and Philadelphia. The Northeast Corridor will receive approximately $450 million for improvements to reduce delays and improve reliability for trains to and from Philadelphia.

“Investing in high speed rail is critical to the long term competitiveness of the region,” said Senator Casey. “These funds will create jobs and provide residents and businesses with a more reliable transportation network.”

Senator Casey recently spoke with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood about funds for the Keystone Corridor and sent a letter to the DOT urging the approval of funds last month. The $40 million for the Keystone Corridor will create approximately 400 construction jobs.

Last month, Senator Casey joined senators from neighboring states in sending a letter to Secretary LaHood in support of funds for the Northeast Corridor, citing the corridor’s large passenger rail ridership and the prospect of high speed rail projects stimulating economic development.    

The funding announced today is available due to Florida declining previously awarded American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds for high speed rail development.
