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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement expressing his support for a new initiative to strengthen the nation’s support network for military families:

“I want to express my support for Mrs. Obama’s and Dr. Biden’s military families initiative ‘Joining Forces’. Our military families are often unsung heroes and we must do more to recognize their service.  Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden have secured agreements that bring businesses, charities, NGOs, primary care and mental health organizations together with the focused goals of helping military and veteran families in the areas of employment, education and wellness.

“The Senate must continue to conduct oversight of military family programs and provide the support they deserve.  I have heard from many in the Pennsylvania National Guard, one of the most deployed Guard forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, who have raised concerns about retaining or finding employment upon completion of their deployment, ensuring that their families are cared for and easing disruptions to their children’s lives.  Active duty families have also contacted me to explain the hardships they endure when their spouse is deployed or when their families must relocate.

“For these reasons, I introduced the Military Spouse Job Continuity Act, which will help military spouses more easily re-enter the workforce by offering a $500 tax credit to those who have to renew or transfer a professional license due to a military Change of Station order.  I am also working on ways to improve the Transition Assistance Program through the Department of Labor’s VETS program as well as other avenues to ensure that servicemembers can translate their skills into the civilian workforce.  I will continue to work to ensure that we maintain a commitment to our citizen soldiers.

“In the Senate, I look forward to working with the President, Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden to strengthen the nation’s support for military families.”
