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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today applauded the decision of GE Transportation to recall approximately 280 hourly production workers at its manufacturing plant in Erie.

“The recall of GE workers in Erie is an encouraging sign for the economy of Northwestern Pennsylvania,” said Senator Casey. “Many families continue to struggle with the negative effects of the recession and I remain committed to fighting for good jobs in Pennsylvania.”

Previously, Senator Casey has been supportive of funding for Amtrak that supports domestic rail manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania. Senator Casey also worked to ensure that Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) was available to workers laid off by GE in 2009. TAA is a is a program to provide a variety of training, job search and relocation allowances, as well as income and health insurance support to workers who have lost their jobs due to foreign competition. 

Senator Casey has also worked closely with GE Transportation to create jobs in Northwestern Pennsylvania by helping the company gain better access to international markets and boost domestic locomotive production. 

Since late 2010, GE has hired back more than 800 workers affected by layoffs in early 2009.
