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WASHINGTON, DC - Following the announcement that the United States Postal Service (USPS) will consider closing 37 post offices in Pennsylvania, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) sent a letter to Postmaster General John Potter asking him to work collaboratively to prevent the closures.

“I am well aware of the financial challenges that the USPS faces, and I am committed to working with the Postal Service to overcome these challenges while preserving jobs and the services on which thousands of Pennsylvanians depend,” wrote Senator Casey.

Senator Casey went on to write, “For many citizens, utilization of the Postal Service is dependent upon easy access to a post office, and they often have limited means of transportation. I encourage you to do everything in your power to ensure that every Pennsylvanian is able to reach a post office with a reasonable amount of travel.”

Senator Casey also expressed his concerns that the loss of USPS jobs in Pennsylvania would have a devastating effect on the progress the economy has made this year. He also conveyed his appreciation for the USPS’s attempts to curb spending without resorting to forced lay-offs. Senator Casey concluded by urging the USPS to focus on preservation of services and good jobs for Pennsylvanians.

The full text of the letter is below:

Dear Postmaster General Potter:

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent announcement that the United States Postal Service (USPS) is considering closing 37 post offices in Pennsylvania.  I am well aware of the financial challenges that the USPS faces, and I am committed to working with the Postal Service to overcome these challenges while preserving jobs and the services on which thousands of Pennsylvanians depend.

The USPS serves functions that are not matched by any other entity or organization.  For many citizens, utilization of the Postal Service is dependent upon easy access to a post office, and they often have limited means of transportation.  I encourage you to do everything in your power to ensure that every Pennsylvanian is able to reach a post office with a reasonable amount of travel. 

I commend you for your attempts to achieve workforce reductions without resorting to forced lay-offs.  The USPS is a vital employer across the country.  The sudden loss of these jobs would have a devastating effect on the fragile progress our economy has made this year.  I encourage you in your efforts to prevent this from happening.

It is clear that in today’s economy and changing culture of correspondence that the future of the USPS will likely be very different than it was for previous generations.  There have been a variety of suggestions over what changes are necessary and how to achieve them.  It is important to thoroughly review every option to determine its comparative costs and benefits, and to do so in a transparent manner.  I strongly urge you to focus on preservation of services and good jobs for both our urban and rural communities as primary criteria in this review.  I also ask that as you strive towards transparency in this review that you take into account the opinions and alternatives offered by the citizens of Pennsylvania. 

If my office can be of any assistance in this process, please do not hesitate contact me.  Thank you for your attention to this request.


                                                            Robert P. Casey, Jr.
                                                            United States Senator
