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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, today was named Legislator of the Year for 2010-2011 by the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO).

“Investments in biosciences are critically important for Pennsylvania and the nation because they improve people’s lives and are an engine of economic growth,” said Senator Casey. “I am honored to receive BIO’s Legislator of the Year award and look forward to continuing to support biosciences for the sake of America’s economic health as well as the health of its citizens.”

“The Senator’s service on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee has been tremendously important to this nation’s healthcare industry and the patients we serve,” said BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwood. “Furthermore, we are grateful for his leadership on other issues critical to our nation’s biotech industry such as his sponsorship of the Life Sciences Jobs and Investment Act.”

“The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is among the most bio-intensive regions in the United States. Senator Casey has been an invaluable resource for the bioscience community within Pennsylvania and the industry at large,” said Pennsylvania Bio President Christopher Molineaux. “His leadership on numerous issues of importance to the industry and commitment to meeting with and understanding the needs of individual bioscience companies should serve as a model to all his colleagues in the Senate. On behalf of Pennsylvania’s bioscience industry, we congratulate Senator Casey on receiving this award. It is well deserved.”

Senator Casey has been a strong supporter of funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), fighting to prevent cuts to the agency to prevent the country from falling behind on research that stimulates the economy and promotes advances in treatments and cures for diseases. He also continues to champion a robust biodefense and countermeasure program to protect Americans.

Last year, Senator Casey introduced the Life Sciences Jobs and Investment Act (S. 4018) to promote innovation and job creation by providing targeted tax incentives for small and mid-sized businesses to invest in life sciences research and development. Senator Casey will reintroduce the legislation soon.    

In March, Senator Casey introduced the Creating Hope Act (S. 606) to encourage greater investment in development of new treatments and cures for rare and neglected diseases affecting children.


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