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During Personal Meeting in January Casey Raised Issues Critical to PA- Law Enforcement Funding, Witness Intimidation and Reforming Juvenile Justice System / Casey Stressed Need for New AG to Take Appropriate Steps to Reduce Tensions Between Police, Communities

Washington, DC- Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced his support for the nomination when it comes before the full Senate. Casey met personally with U.S. Attorney Lynch in January. The two discussed issues important to Pennsylvania and the nation like law enforcement funding, witness intimidation and reforming the juvenile justice system. Casey stressed the need for the incoming Attorney General to take appropriate steps to reduce tensions between police and communities.

“I appreciated the opportunity to meet with U.S. Attorney Lynch and discuss issues that are important to Pennsylvania and our nation,” Senator Casey said. “U.S. Attorney Lynch is a superb nominee and I look forward to supporting her nomination on the Senate floor. We owe Attorney General Holder our gratitude for his excellent public service on behalf of the country since 2009. Attorney General Holder has worked to advance democracy and the fair administration of justice by enforcing federal voting and civil rights laws, supporting equality for LGBT Americans, and promoting common sense steps to address the over-incarceration of nonviolent offenders and disparities in our criminal justice system. I’m confident that Loretta Lynch will continue this important work.”


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