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WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) sent a letter to the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Jo-Ellen Darcy, to express strong support for expedited review of a Dam Safety Modification Report on the East Branch Dam in Pennsylvania.  Current studies performed by the Army Corps of Engineers indicate that the risk of failure and potential loss of life associated with failure of the dam exceeds thresholds established by the Army Corps of Engineers.  

“Timely action on this matter is necessary to reduce risks facing my constituents,” wrote Senator Casey.   

Senator Casey continued, “The failure of East Branch Dam would devastate the Clarion River Valley causing physical damages, economic losses and loss of life.  Continued operation of East Branch Dam at reduced pool levels, although providing temporary risk reduction, also raises the risk that the necessary water releases to manage the downstream water quality of the Clarion River may not be available during critical dry summer months.”

The Dam Safety Modification Report recommends permanent modification to the dam to reduce risk and return to the original lake level so the project can be operated as authorized.  The Assistant Secretary’s office must concur with the report to allow the recommended modification of the East Branch Dam to be considered for construction funds in the Fiscal Year 2012 budget.

East Branch Dam is located in Elk County, Pennsylvania on the East Branch Clarion River approximately 7.3 miles upstream of Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania.   East Branch Dam provides flood protection, lake and river recreation and water quality benefits both locally and regionally to the people of Pennsylvania and the Nation.

Full text of the letter is below.

Dear Assistant Secretary Darcy:

I write to express my strong support for expedited review of a Dam Safety Modification Report on the East Branch Dam in Pennsylvania.  Timely action on this matter is necessary to reduce risks facing my constituents.  

East Branch Dam is located in Elk County, Pennsylvania on the East Branch Clarion River approximately 7.3 miles upstream of Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania.   East Branch Dam provides flood protection, lake and river recreation, and water quality benefits both locally and regionally to the people of Pennsylvania and the Nation.  

It is my understanding that based on current studies and Corps policy that the risk of failure and potential loss of life associated with failure of the dam exceeds established thresholds and therefore justifies expedited action to reduce risk.     The failure of East Branch Dam would devastate the Clarion River Valley causing physical damages, economic losses, and loss of life.    Continued operation of East Branch Dam at reduced pool levels, although providing temporary risk reduction, also raises the risk that the necessary water releases to manage the downstream water quality of the Clarion River may not be available during critical dry summer months.       

I appreciate the Corps’ efforts to date on this project, especially the completion of the Dam Safety Modification Report.  This report, as you probably know, recommends permanent modification to the dam to reduce risk and return to the original lake level so the project can be operated as authorized.     I respectfully request that your office complete your review of the Dam Safety Modification Report by mid-November to allow the recommended modification of the East Branch Dam to be considered for construction funds in the Fiscal Year 2012 budget.

Thank you in advance for your expedited consideration of this matter.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly or have your staff contact a member of my staff.  


Robert P. Casey, Jr.
United States Senator
