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In Letter to CDC, Casey Calls for Proper Classification of Legionnaires’ Cases

Washington DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) sent a letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Tom Frieden requesting a thorough review of the Legionnaires’ outbreak at the VA Pittsburgh Health System (VAPHS). In his letter, Senator Casey expressed concern with the recent report in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette which acknowledges the possibility of another death linked to the recent outbreak

“We need to take every effort to make sure these cases are reported accurately,” said Senator Casey. “Our veterans have sacrificed a lot and have the right to expect high quality health care form the VA system.  We should take very effort to make sure that is what they get.”

In January 2013, the CDC released the results of the investigation titled, Legionnaires’ Disease among Patients at the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System in Pennsylvania, 2011-2012.  Out of the report, the CDC reviewed 32 cases, five of which, resulted in death, and were classified as either definitely or probably hospital acquired through VAPHS.  The most recent case revealed by the Post-Gazette was not part of the original five cases. 

Senator Casey has requested that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention review this case, along with the remaining 27 cases, to ensure all information regarding those cases has been properly classified.

The full text of Senator Casey’s letter to Director  Frieden is below:

Dr. Tom Frieden


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

1600 Clifton Road

Atlanta, Georgia 30333

Dear Director Frieden:

It was good to meet with you last week.  I am writing to express my concern with the recent report in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette which acknowledges the possibility of another death linked to the recent outbreak at the VA Pittsburgh Health System (VAPHS).   I believe it is important to ensure all cases have been accurately reported, and I request the CDC conduct a thorough review of the Post-Gazette’s findings. 

In January 2013, the CDC released the results of the investigation titled, Legionnaires’ Disease among Patients at the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System in Pennsylvania, 2011-2012.    Out of the report, the CDC reviewed 32 cases, five of which, resulted in death, and were classified as either definitely or probably hospital acquired through VAPHS.  The most recent case revealed by the Post-Gazette was not part of the original five cases.  I ask that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention review this case, along with the remaining 27 cases, to ensure all information regarding those casing have been properly classified.

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.  I look forward to working with you on addressing the Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak at VAPHS to ensure that all veterans who have served our country receive quality healthcare they earned and so rightly deserve.   


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator