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Direct Air Abruptly Canceled Flights Last Week and Is Refusing to Reimburse Pennsylvanians for Canceled Trips

Cancellation Has Left Baldwin HS in Pittsburgh Out $1,700

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) called on air carrier Direct Air to immediately issue refunds to Pennsylvanians who had their flights suddenly canceled last week.

Following a missed fuel payment, Direct Air suddenly canceled flights - leaving Pennsylvania residents scrambling to find alternate sources of travel and leaving them out money. In one instance, Baldwin High School’s Softball team in Pittsburgh saw a flight from a South Carolina softball tournament cancelled- leaving the school out $1,700.

“Direct Air should immediately issue refunds to Pennsylvanians who saw their flights canceled without notice,” Casey said. “The parents, teachers and students of Baldwin High School have worked hard for months to raise money for and plan this trip. They don’t deserve to lose money because Direct Air canceled the flight.”

Direct Air shut down operations last week, thus canceling purchased flights and leaving travelers stranded.  Due to this eleventh hour announcement, scheduled passengers on Direct Air flights have been left with unfavorable options including canceling travel altogether, buying expensive last minute flights on other airlines, or finding time consuming and costly alternative modes of transportation. By refusing to issue refunds the company has left Pennsylvanians without their money.

In a letter, Casey wrote, “I have been informed that passengers were only offered flight vouchers instead of receiving their money back.  This is unacceptable. Since Direct Air has proven unable to rebook flights on or around the scheduled dates of departure, your airline has placed enormous financial burdens on your customers.”

Senator Casey’s letter to Direct Air CEO Jeff Conry is below:

Jeff Conry

Chief Executive Officer

Direct Air

Dear Mr. Conry:

I write to express my concern regarding the abrupt cancellation of flights that has jeopardized the travel of many of my constituents.

It is my understanding that Direct Air shut down operations last week, thus canceling purchased flights and leaving travelers stranded.  Due to this eleventh hour announcement, scheduled passengers on Direct Air flights have been left with unfavorable options including canceling travel altogether, buying expensive last minute flights on other airlines, or finding time consuming and costly alternative modes of transportation. 

Furthermore, upon request for refunds from Direct Air, I have been informed that passengers were only offered flight vouchers instead of receiving their money back.  This is unacceptable.   Since Direct Air has proven unable to rebook flights on or around the scheduled dates of departure, your airline has placed enormous financial burdens on your customers.   I urge you to provide full monetary refunds to passengers for which Direct Air failed to deliver its service.

One example of how troublesome Direct Air’s cancellation of flights has been for my constituents is the impact it has had on Baldwin High School’s softball team.  The team, located in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, raised $10,000 to cover the costs of competing in a softball tournament in Myrtle Beach.  When Direct Air cancelled their flight back to Pittsburgh, this cost the team $1,700 and put the ability of the team to participate in the tournament at risk.  Buying new flights back or renting a private bus was cost prohibitive.  Thankfully, the Pittsburgh Pirates generously donated a charter bus to bring the team home.  I respectfully request that you immediately refund the team the full $1,700. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.  My office stands ready to assist you with ensuring that Pennsylvanians receive monetary refunds.   I look forward to your swift action and reply. 


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator
