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Governor Corbett Declared State of Emergency- Senator Asks Agencies to Stand At Ready for Disaster Declaration In Wake of Storm

Washington DC- Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced that he has sent a letter to the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) urging them to stand ready to aid the state should it need resources in the wake of Sandy.   

Earlier this afternoon, Governor Tom Corbett declared a state of emergency, and now Casey is asking FEMA to stand ready to provide federal resources that may be needed to help Pennsylvania respond.

“We know all too well the devastating impacts of harsh storms, and the federal government needs to be prepared to help municipalities throughout the Commonwealth,” Casey said. “With an unpredictable storm like this it’s critical FEMA be ready to aid Pennsylvania in any way that could help the state in the wake of the storm.”

Meteorologists are saying that the coming storm, Sandy, will be a combination of a hurricane and a nor’easter. As parts of the state still continue to recover from Irene and Lee, Casey is urging the FEMA to be prepared should the state need additional resources- be it technical assistance or in the form of aid.

The full copy of Casey’s letter can be seen below. Constituents can find more information about the storm on Senator Casey’s website

October 26, 2012

Mr. William Craig Fugate


Federal Emergency Management Agency

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Dear Mr. Fugate:

As you are aware, the pending storm in Pennsylvania could have a debilitating effect on communities in the region.  It is my understanding that Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Corbett has formally declared a state of disaster emergency in the area.  

Given the potential damage inflicted on these communities by the pending storm, federal resources may be needed to help Pennsylvania respond.  In the event that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requests federal disaster assistance, I respectfully ask that you move quickly to expedite the positive consideration of any such request.  I also urge you and your federal partners to continue to provide updates on the track of the storm over the coming days and to continue to closely coordinate with Pennsylvania officials and my office. 

On behalf of the communities impacted by this storm, thank you and your team for your service and efforts during this challenging time.  


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator

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