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WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today wrote to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to ask him to waive restrictions to allow families affected by recent flooding access to temporary housing.

“As these families begin the process of rebuilding, it is crucial that we ensure that they have access to temporary housing,” Casey stated in the letter.  “This relief will help ensure that individuals affected by these floods have access to housing while their homes are rebuilt.”

The text of the letter is below:

September 23, 2011

Honorable Timothy Geithner

Secretary of the Treasury

Dear Mr. Secretary:

As you know, Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee resulted in devastation across the east coast, including significant damage in parts of Pennsylvania.  Many families in my state have lost their homes as a result of the major flooding caused by these storms.

As these families begin the process of rebuilding, it is crucial that we ensure that they have access to temporary housing.  It is my understanding that Governor Corbett, on behalf of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, has requested low income housing disaster relief in the form of a waiver of certain requirements of section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.  This waiver would allow owners of low income housing tax credit projects in Pennsylvania to use vacant units to provide temporary housing to individuals who live in the declared disaster areas.  I have been told that similar relief has recently been provided in other jurisdictions, such as Vermont.  This relief will help ensure that individuals affected by these floods have access to housing while their homes are rebuilt.  I urge you to approve the request from Governor Corbett without delay.

Thank you for your consideration of my views.  I appreciate your assistance in providing this much needed aid to the victims of these terrible storms.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator
