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Casey: Extend Moratorium to Give Congress Time to Pass Bipartisan Reform

Casey Asks Postmaster to Visit PA to Discuss Potential Impact of Processing Facility Closure; Over 300 Jobs at Scranton Facility at Risk

SCRANTON, PA –U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today called on the Postmaster General of the United States to extend its moratorium on consolidation plans while Congress works to pass bipartisan legislation to reform the Postal Service.

The moratorium ends on May 15. Ten processing facilities in Pennsylvania are slated for closure, with 308 jobs at risk at the Scranton facility alone.

“Moving forward with consolidating our mail processing centers before Congress has finished working on bipartisan postal reform is a needless move that will harm Pennsylvania’s communities and put jobs at risk,” said Senator Casey. “I’m pushing the Postmaster General to extend the moratorium and to come to Pennsylvania to see the real impact closures would have on communities like Scranton.” 

Standing at the Scranton Mail Processing Facility, Senator Casey released a letter he sent today to the Postmaster General outlining his concerns about the Postal Service not extending the moratorium. Senator Casey also requested that the Postmaster visit Pennsylvania to see firsthand the impact that current consolidation plans would have on communities.

The Senate passed a bipartisan bill last month that would reform the Postal Service while greatly reducing the impact on Pennsylvania’s communities compared to current consolidation plans. That legislation is now awaiting action in the House.

Senator Casey’s letter to Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe is below :

Mr. Patrick R. Donahoe

Postalmaster General and CEO

United States Postal Service

Dear Mr. Donahoe:

As we approach the May 15th conclusion, I would like to ask you once again to extend the moratorium on postal consolidations through the end of the year to give Congress time to finish its work on legislation.  I would also ask you to come to Pennsylvania to see firsthand the potential impact of the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) plans. 

In April, the Senate passed bipartisan legislation, which makes systemic reforms to improve the Postal Service’s financial position.  Included in the bill is an amendment, passed unanimously, expressing the Sense of the Senate that no major changes should be made to the USPS footprint until the House has had a chance to act on companion legislation. 

In light of this, I am disappointed that the USPS has not moved to extend its moratorium on its consolidation plans.  The changes proposed will greatly affect communities across the Commonwealth.  Given the seriousness of this situation, I ask you to join me for a tour of some of the impacted communities to discuss the effect of the service changes on businesses and residents.  

I look forward to your reply.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator


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