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Washington, DC- Today U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement on the pending confirmation of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General:

"U.S. Attorney Lynch is a superb nominee who has broad bipartisan backing. Despite her record and countless expressions of support from law enforcement, civil rights advocates, and past Attorneys General - Ms. Lynch’s nomination has been pending for 129 days. This is the longest it has taken the United States Senate to vote on a nominee for Attorney General in 30 years. This is especially surprising given that the Senate has already confirmed Loretta Lynch twice. In both 2000 and 2010, the Senate confirmed Ms. Lynch to be U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. In each case, her confirmation was unanimous. Ms. Lynch’s nomination is historic – she would be the first African-American woman to serve as our Nation’s Attorney General. More importantly, she is superbly qualified.  The American people deserve better than cynical political games around the confirmation of the chief law enforcement officer in our nation.  The majority leader should schedule a vote immediately and we should confirm Loretta Lynch today." 
