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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) and U.S. Representatives Lucy McBath (D-GA-06) and Steve Stivers (R-OH-15) re-introduced the End All Hazing Act to provide parents and prospective students with better information about universities’ histories of hazing in an effort to increase transparency and accountability in hazing nationwide. The bill would require colleges and universities to post on their websites instances of hazing that took place on campus or within a student organization. Providing this information would improve transparency and assist students in making the best choices for their future.

“Hazing is a horrendous act that has absolutely no place in our society. The bipartisan End All Hazing Act is a critical tool that would provide much needed transparency to students and parents about past instances of hazing on college campuses to help prevent families from losing loved ones,” said Senator Casey.

“Prospective students and their families should feel safe no matter what school they choose,” said Dr. Cassidy. “By increasing transparency, the bill will ensure that hazing is never swept under the rug.”

“We have a duty to ensure that schools are a safe environment for our students. The impacts that hazing has on young people across our country are heartbreaking and unacceptable,” said Rep. McBath. “This bipartisan, bicameral legislation strengthens important national standards for data collection and reporting hazing instances so that students and their families are able to make the best decision to support their educational wellbeing. This step we are taking together represents a vital one to protect the health, safety, and success of students.”

“Hazing is an unacceptable and dangerous practice that does not have a place in any student organization that’s mission is to help young people learn and develop,” said Rep. Stivers. “I’m proud to join this bipartisan, bicameral coalition to continue to educate, inform, and ensure that students have the safe learning environment they deserve.”

Casey first introduced the End All Hazing Act in October 2019 as a result of the death of Tim Piazza, a Penn State student who died due to hazing at a fraternity event in February 2017.

Read the End All Hazing Act here.