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Washington, D.C. – Following the President’s announcement concerning the Administration’s intention to impose steel tariffs, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement:

“I commend the President for announcing his intent to take action to protect our steelworkers from countries, like China, that cheat on trade. I have repeatedly called on this and previous Administrations to aggressively enforce our trade laws. For years, foreign countries have been dumping steel into our markets and costing our workers their jobs and suppressing their wages.

It has taken the Administration far too long, but today’s announcement of an intention to act next week is a welcome step. When countries cheat on trade, Pennsylvania workers lose. I urge the Administration to follow through and to take aggressive measures to ensure our workers can compete on a level playing field. When the playing field is level, Pennsylvania workers will outcompete any in the world.” 


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