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Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) commends Congressmen Robert Brady (D-PA1),  Brendan Boyle (D-PA13) and Dwight Evans (D-PA2) for their legislation to address school conditions:

 "I commend Congressmen Brady, Boyle and Evans for pushing for action and highlighting the need to protect children in schools. I have long advocated for increases funding to mitigate the issues of mold, asbestos and lead paint in our schools. Children and their families have a basic right to expect their schools to be safe from public health threats. I call on Senate Majority Leader McConnell and the Appropriations Committee to include significant funding to address the challenges of mold, asbestos and lead in our schools. Students in Philadelphia and throughout the nation need Congress to step up and fund efforts to address this public health threat."
