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WASHINGTON, DC—U.S Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today delivered remarks on the Senate floor honoring Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) and his 30 years of service to Pennsylvania in the United States Senate. Excerpts of Senator Casey’s remarks are below.

“From the beginning of his service in the United States Senate, from 1980 to the present, he has been a senator who has focused on building bipartisan relationships and on Pennsylvania priorities,” said Senator Casey. “I have been honored to have worked with him on so many priorities, whether it was veterans, workers, dairy farmers, the economy of Pennsylvania, our children or our families.”

Senator Casey continued:

“On so many priorities he has been a champion for our state and he has shown younger senators the way to work together in the interest of our state and our country. That bipartisanship wasn’t just a sentiment. It was a bipartisanship that led to results. The bipartisanship that Senator Specter demonstrated every day in the United States Senate has achieved results in terms of jobs and opportunity and hope for Pennsylvania and for the nation.

“Senator Specter was elected five times by the people of Pennsylvania, but it is the work and the contribution to our Commonwealth and our country in those 30 years that really matter. His impact will be felt not just for decades but for generations.”   
