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Washington DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following the announcement that Pittsburgh has been selected as a finalist for the Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge.

“I'm pleased that the city of Pittsburgh has been selected as a finalist in the 'Smart City Challenge.’ This selection is an affirmation of the work that the community has done over years to make Pittsburgh a tech hub. Mayor Peduto is to be commended for the work he and his team did to put together a highly competitive application," Senator Casey said. "I weighed in with Secretary Foxx personally on the city's application because Pittsburgh has the technological knowhow and transportation resources to make this program work. Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania has always been a place that creates its own future and its doing so once again in the 21st century. Pittsburgh has emerged as a center for technological development, a fact which is known across the nation and throughout the technology industry. I will continue to strongly support the city of Pittsburgh as it moves forward into the final round of the Smart City Challenge.”

More information about the Smart City Challenge can be found here:


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