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WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Bob Casey [D-PA] joined Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Olympia Snowe (R-ME), and Ted Kennedy (D-MA) in cosponsoring the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization bill. The bill will strengthen current SCHIP while expanding coverage to an additional 6 million children.

"SCHIP is a highly successful program that has come under attack by the Bush Administration and needs to be improved to expand access and increase utilization," said Casey. "Preserving and improving SCHIP is one of my top priorities. I look forward to working with Senators Rockefeller, Snowe and Kennedy so that we can not only reauthorize this critically important program, but also so that we can expand coverage."

"Senator Casey is a champion for children and a champion for the state of Pennsylvania," said Senator Jay Rockefeller. "15 years ago his father worked on the Children's Health Insurance Program and I am pleased my friend and colleague is continuing to work on behalf of children everywhere. I am honored that he is a cosponsor of this bill and I look forward to working with him."

Along with maintaining existing coverage, the SCHIP bill also modifies the funding formula to take into account rising health care costs, population growth and a state's uninsured population. In addition, the legislation will allow states to expand coverage to 300% of the poverty line, pregnant woman and legal immigrant children.

Earlier this year, Senator Casey joined Senators Rockefeller, Kennedy, and Baucus to author an amendment as part of the fiscal year 2008 budget debate that states, in part, that reauthorizing SCHIP is the Senate's top health care priority and that expanding health care coverage to uninsured children is an urgent priority.

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