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More national strategies needed to help Pennsylvania’s workers and the economy

WASHINGTON, D.C - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement in response to new employment figures for May 2011 released today by the Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor and Industry, which showed a drop in the unemployment rate:

“The drop in the unemployment rate for Pennsylvania, from 7.5 percent in April 2011 to 7.4 percent in May 2011, is a positive sign that the Pennsylvania economy continues on the path to recovery. In just one year, our unemployment rate has fallen 1.3 percentage points. Yet, it is clear that more must be done.

“The pace at which Washington has worked to create jobs has been frustrating. Commonsense measures that will help small businesses increase revenue and create jobs have languished. Programs to retrain our workers who have lost jobs through unfair trade practices have fallen prey to politics. Additional steps to rebuild our manufacturing base still need to be taken.

“A lasting economic recovery will rely on these measures. As Chairman of the JEC, I’m holding a hearing next week on the need for a national manufacturing strategy. I look forward to hearing from business leaders and other experts who can help identify policies and practices that will strengthen the manufacturing sector, boost job creation, and support Pennsylvania’s economic recovery.”
