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Military Family Support Act Would Allow Flexibility in the Use of Leave Time

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) introduced legislation today to alleviate some of the pressure military families feel when a loved one is deployed overseas. The Military Family Support Act (MFSA) authorizes federal employees designated as caregivers to use their previously earned leave time in a more flexible manner so they can tend to the increased family obligations resulting from a loved one serving abroad. The legislators are reintroducing the effort after previous versions of the legislation, which enjoyed bipartisan support, were stripped out of larger bills.  A related provision was included in the fiscal year 2008 National Defense Authorization Act, but was limited to private sector employees.  This new legislation is designed to provide some relief for federal employees. 

“Our military families have made tremendous sacrifices for this country; we owe it to them to provide them with some modest relief,” said Casey.  “This bill will allow family members of our service men and women time off to help prepare them for deployment or help with the burden of taking care of their children when a single parent is deployed.” 

“This effort won’t eliminate the incredible burden of having a loved one far away and possibly in harm’s way,” Feingold said.  “But in return for the amazing sacrifice these Americans make for their country, we should be doing everything we can to alleviate the pressures of everyday life that their families face.” 

“The Military Family Support Act sends a message to our wounded men and women, and their loved ones, that we not only stand beside them as they deal with the physical and mental wounds of war, but that we stand beside their families as well,” said Rep. Woolsey, whose legislation expanding private sector FMLA protections to family members caring for injured service members was recently signed into law.  “Because of my legislation, private sector employees no longer have to choose between losing their job and caring for a wounded family member, and I believe that federal employees must have the same opportunity.” 

The MFSA, supported by the National Military Family Association, would create a pilot program to provide additional leave options for persons who have been designated as caregivers. The bill would require the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to set up a program that allows caregivers who are federal employees to use leave time available to them for purposes directly relating to or resulting from their designation as a caregiver. The Military Family Support Act does not impact the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).



