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Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and John Fetterman (D-PA) and U.S. Representative Susan Wild (D-PA-7) announced a $500,000 neighborhood revitalization grant for the Stefko-Pembroke Neighborhood, including Pembroke Village. This federal funding will promote investment to create a neighborhood that is vibrant, safe, and welcoming. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is awarding the funding to the City of Bethlehem and the Bethlehem Housing Authority through the Choice Neighborhood Planning Grants Program.

“Too many Pennsylvanians struggle to find safe, affordable housing in their communities,” Senator Casey said. “Thanks to this federal funding, Bethlehem can accelerate plans to reimagine the existing housing units in Pembroke Village, breathing new life into the affordable housing in the city and creating the potential to attract essential businesses like grocery stores and child care centers.”

“Housing is a human right, and it’s our responsibility to make sure every community has the resources to provide people with safe and affordable housing,” Senator Fetterman said. “This funding from HUD will help our most vulnerable communities in Bethlehem access that basic right.”

“We need more safe and affordable housing in the Lehigh Valley,” Congresswoman Susan Wild said. “I’m thrilled that Bethlehem is receiving this funding to revitalize already existing affordable housing in Pembroke Village, and I’ll continue working to bring home federal investments to build safe, welcoming neighborhoods for everyone across our community.”

HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Program funds locally-driven improvements to public housing and the surrounding neighborhood. The program awards two-year planning grants to assist communities in developing comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans focused on redeveloping a severely distressed public housing or HUD-assisted housing project, improving opportunities for the families that live there, and improving amenities in the neighborhood.