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WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement today:

"The bill passed by the House rejects compromise and threatens disaster relief for the Pennsylvania floods.  Not only does the House bill cut federal disaster relief funding by almost half from what passed the Senate last week it also doesn’t provide adequate funding for other programs essential for Pennsylvania flood relief; specifically, Community Development Block Grant disaster relief, HUD disaster relief and the Economic Development Administration disaster relief.

While official assessments are still ongoing, estimates indicate Pennsylvania suffered at least $500 million in damage from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee.  Many other states hit by storms, tornadoes and other disasters are also vying for these funds.  Short-changing natural disaster relief could put help for Pennsylvania in jeopardy.

It is frustrating that Washington politicians are again playing politics with keeping the government operating.  It is even worse that the fight is over whether to provide relief for families and businesses devastated by natural disasters.”
