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Casey Legislation, Fallen Heroes Act of 9/11, Awards Medals to Each Memorial Site / Senator Secured Funding for Memorial to Flight 93 in Shanksville

Washington, DC – Ahead of the 13th Anniversary of 9/11, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) honored the fallen of that day at a Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony. Casey’s bill, the Fallen Heroes Act of 9/11, created Congressional Gold Medals for each memorial site. Senator Casey has worked with the Families of Flight 93 and members of Congress to fund and advance construction of the memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Casey was joined by leaders from the House and Senate, and families of the heroes of Flight 93.

“The brave passengers on Flight 93 deserve to be recognized for their heroism and sacrifice,” Sen. Casey said. “These medals will serve to help us remember the sacrifice of those we lost, honor their valor and commemorate their lives.”

Casey’s bill, the Fallen Heroes Act of 9/11, awards three Congressional medals to each attack site: the Flight 93 National Museum in Pennsylvania, the National September 11th Memorial and Museum in New York, and the Pentagon Memorial in Virginia. Flight 93 National Memorial is a unit of the national park system; approximately 300,000 visitors come to the Memorial each year.
