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Casey’s proposal includes automatic Medicaid enrollment for all children at birth, establishment of children’s savings accounts

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) unveiled the Five Freedoms for America’s Children Act, comprehensive legislation which would ensure that every child has the support they need to be able to reach their fullest potential. Senator Casey’s proposal includes five core freedoms we must guarantee our Nation’s children so they can enjoy a prosperous future:

  • The Freedom to be Healthy
  • The Freedom to be Economically Secure
  • The Freedom to Learn
  • The Freedom from Hunger
  • The Freedom to be Safe from Harm

“For too long, our country has prioritized corporations while children and working families are left behind. As the results of the American Rescue Plan showed us, when we provide families the supports they need, children thrive. It is vital that we build off of that success and continue to pass legislation to prepare our children for the future. An investment in our children is the most important investment we can make,” said Senator Casey.

Senator Casey’s Five Freedoms bill includes wide-ranging investments for children:

  • Automatic enrollment in Medicaid through age 18
  • Establishment of children’s savings accounts for every child whose parent(s) or guardian earns under $100,000 per year, and permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit
  • Increased Head Start funding by $18 billion annually and permanent expansion of the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
  • Enhanced automatic certification for school meal programs and expanded universal meal service in low- and moderate-income schools
  • Increased investment in community and state-based child protective services

Key aspects of Senator Casey’s Five Freedoms bill, including expanding the Child Tax Credit, school meals and high-quality early childhood education are included in President Biden’s framework for the Build Back Better Act. Congress is poised to pass the Build Back Better Act in the coming weeks.

Read the Executive Summary for the Five Freedoms here.

Read the full report for the Five Freedoms for America’s Children here.