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Amendment Would Withhold Aid for Failure to Combat Biggest Killer of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) has introduced a provision that would prohibit some U.S. security assistance from going to Pakistan until the U.S. Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State, certifies that the Pakistani government is making significant efforts toward regulating and reducing the flow of materials used in roadside bombs, the biggest killer of troops in Afghanistan.

“Pennsylvania’s troops and their families have made extraordinary sacrifices in the interest of the safety and security of us all, so we have an obligation to make sure the Pakistani government is making a concerted effort to crack down on the flow ingredients used in bombs that target our brave men and women,” said Senator Casey. “This amendment would hold Pakistan accountable and make our troops safer as they carry out their mission.” 

The amendment to the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization bill would require the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to certify that the Pakistani government has demonstrated a sustained commitment and is making significant efforts towards monitoring and regulating the sale, transport and use of calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer, the main ingredient in roadside bombs. 

Additionally, the amendment requires the Secretary of Defense to certify that Pakistan is taking measures to prevent its transport into Afghanistan, where it is used in roadside bombs to target U.S. troops.

Senator Casey has led the way in the Senate to increase international pressure to stop the flow of calcium ammonium nitrate and protect our troops. Senator Casey has pushed the Department of Defense to increase coordination and end unnecessary duplication in efforts to counter roadside bombs, or IEDs.

Last August, Senator Casey traveled to Pakistan to push officials to implement a plan to regulate bomb making materials and prevent their flow into Afghanistan.
