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Casey trip to Darfur canceled; Sudan refused to grant visas

WASHINGTON, DC-Following the Senate Banking Committee’s unanimous approval of the Sudan Divestment Act, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement:

“By a unanimous 21-0 vote, the Senate Banking Committee took a major step in the effort to help stop the horrific violence in Darfur.  By helping states shed their investments from companies doing business with the Government of Sudan, the Sudan Divestment Act seeks to exert the same type of leverage that helped to end apartheid in South Africa.

“This legislation could specifically help Pennsylvania.  Sudan divestment legislation has passed the Pennsylvania House.  If that bill passes the Pennsylvania Senate and becomes law, Pennsylvania could be subject to harassing lawsuits from affected companies unless protections contained in the Sudan Divestment Act are signed into law at the federal level.

“The situation in Darfur is critical. The death and devastation are of heartbreaking proportions.  We must do all we can to avert an even larger humanitarian catastrophe and end this violence.”

Senator Casey is a cosponsor of the Sudan Divestment Act.  On October 3rd, Senator Casey chaired a portion of a Banking Committee hearing on the Sudan Divestment Act.

A planned trip to Darfur for this coming weekend with Senator Casey and other senators was canceled after the Sudanese government refused to grant visas for the visiting senators.  The State Department invited Senator Casey on the trip. 



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