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At Casey-Requested Event, PA Small Businesses Get Free Website and Online Tools for One Year

56% Of PA Small Businesses Have No Website

PITTSBURGH, PA - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today joined Google at an event to help small businesses in the region get online. Senator Casey asked Google to bring the event to southwestern Pennsylvania to increase the competitiveness of the region’s small businesses.

At the ‘Get Your Business Online’ events, Google experts help small businesses create websites, advertise online and use other online resources to attract more customers. Local small businesses will receive a free professional website with a unique domain name that is hosted for one year without cost.

“I’m thrilled that Google is helping Pennsylvania’s small businesses get online,” Senator Casey said. “I asked Google to bring this event to southwestern Pennsylvania because small businesses drive job growth and in today's challenging economic environment they need every available tool to compete.”

The event is being held at J. Verno Studios in Pittsburgh today, April 10, and tomorrow, April 11. For more information, businesses can visit  

In November, Senator Casey wrote a letter to Google CEO Eric Schmidt asking him to bring a Get Your Business Online event to Pennsylvania.

The full text of Senator Casey’s letter is below:

Dear Mr. Schmidt:

I write to respectfully request that Google host a “Get Your Business Online” event in the southwest region of Pennsylvania.  In today’s challenging economic environment Pennsylvania’s small businesses owners need every possible tool to sustain and grow their businesses. 

I understand that Google has hosted these events in cities across the country and has generously offered hundreds of small businesses free assistance in website design, webhosting services, and customized domain names.  This event would provide tools to small businesses that will allow them to reach out to more customers, grow revenue and potentially hire additional employees. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and I am committed to providing resources that will help them grow and prosper. 

I stand ready to assist Google in hosting an event in southwest Pennsylvania. Thank you for your continued efforts in assisting our nation’s small businesses.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator


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