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Ahead of This Weekend’s Parade, Senate Resolution Honors Region’s Heroism

Winning Battle of Lake Erie Helped U.S. Prevail

Washington, DC- Today U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) introduced a resolution honoring the role that Erie played in the War of 1812. Ahead of this weekend’s parade commemorating the role Erie played at a pivotal moment in U.S. history, the resolution notes the region’s unique contribution to the effort.

“Erie played a substantial role in helping the U.S. prevail in the War of 1812,” Senator Casey said. “At this weekend’s parade the entire region will commemorate the Battle of Lake Erie and it’s appropriate that the Senate pause and to recognizes the tremendous sacrifice that the people of Northwestern Pennsylvania made in the War of 1812.”

“The War of 1812 will always have a special place in Erie history," Represenative Kelly said. "I am very glad to see the Senate formally recognize the timeless courage and patriotism of all the northwestern Pennsylvanians who heroically contributed to our nation’s victory. I look forward to marching in this weekend’s parade commemorating the historic occasion.”

The full text of Casey’s resolution can be seen below:

Recognizing the City of Erie for its critical role in the development of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry’s fleet during the War of 1812.

Whereas the City of Erie, Pennsylvania, due to its abundant resources and strategic positioning, was recommended by shipbuilder Daniel Dobbins to the United States Department of the Navy as an ideal location for the construction of a Naval fleet;

Whereas the Battle of Lake Erie was a crucial victory that assured United States control over Lake Erie for the duration of the war;

Whereas the success of Commodore Perry’s fleet in the Battle of Lake Erie helped to facilitate General William Henry Harrison’s important victory at the Battle of the Thames, as well as other United States military action throughout the war;

Whereas the USS Lawrence and USS Niagara were returned to the City of Erie and Presque Isle Bay after the completion of their service;

Whereas the City of Erie honors the legacy of Commodore Perry through Perry Monument on Presque Isle;

Whereas the City of Erie is today home to the USS Niagara, which continues to sail in memory of American heroism in the Battle of Lake Erie; and

Whereas the City is Erie is this year recognizing the 200-year anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie: now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Senate—

(1)   honors the City of Erie for its part in the construction of Commodore Perry’s fleet; and

(2)  recognizes the historical significance in both the construction of the fleet and the consequent United States victory in the Battle of Lake Erie.

