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JERUSALEM- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs, met today with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Ehud Barak.  Senator Casey is leading a congressional delegation to Israel, the West Bank and Turkey.

“In our conversations today with the Prime Minister, the President and the Defense Minister, I was reminded of the centrality of the strategic alliance between the United States and Israel,” said Senator Casey.  “We may have tactical differences from time to time, but our broad objectives are based on shared values and an unshakeable bond between our two peoples.” 

Senator Casey continued: “We focused our discussions on the shared threat posed by Iran's nuclear program and the need to revitalize progress on a two state solution.   I am confident our two governments will coordinate closely in coming months on these two priorities."

Senator Casey is in the region for the entire week meeting with senior government officials.  Also in the delegation is Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Senator Ted Kaufman (D-DE) and Rep Timothy Walz (D-MN).


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