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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement on protests in Egypt:

“I condemn the deplorable violence unleashed against peaceful demonstrators across Egypt and express condolence for the families who have lost loved ones.  I urge the government of Egypt, and especially its security forces, to immediately cease using violence and to allow for the basic right of freedom of assembly.  

“For decades, the Egyptian people have not been able to express their legitimate grievances through the democratic process.  I would like to express solidarity with the democratic aspirations of the Egyptian people, based on the rule of law and the universal declaration of human rights.  

“As the Chairman of the Senate Internet Freedom Caucus, I am a strong believer in the freedom of expression.   The Egyptian government must open social networking websites in response to these demonstrations.  These lines of communication should remain open and the Egyptian people should have the freedom to speak openly and freely.

“The world is watching, as is the United States Senate.  In light of these unfortunate events, I look forward to working with my colleagues to re-examine the U.S. military assistance package to Egypt.”

Senator Casey visited Cairo in July 2010 and met with civil society activists and government officials.

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