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At Marzoni’s Restaurant, Casey Was Joined by Regional Business Leaders to Make Case for Legislation that Would Allow Businesses to Make Improvements / Casey Plan Has Broad Bipartisan Backing and Could Become Law This Year / Bill Would Help Restaurants, Retail Stores Make Improvements and Expand by Allowing them to Recoup Costs in 15 Years as Opposed to 39 Years

Duncansville, PA- Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) pushed for bipartisan legislation that could help local businesses in the region expand or open a new locations. At Marzoni’s Restaurant, Casey was joined by business leaders from the region to make the case for legislation that would allow businesses to more quickly write down the cost of improvements. Restaurants and retail stores throughout Pennsylvania and the nation could more easily finance an expansion or physical improvements by recouping the cost in 15 years as opposed to 39 years. The Casey plan, which has the backing of a broad bipartisan coalition, could become law in the new year.

“Small businesses are the backbone of job creation and economic growth in this region and throughout Pennsylvania,” Senator Casey said. “This legislation is a commonsense measure that would enable businesses across the nation make improvements to their physical space and potentially open new locations. I’m hopeful this legislation will move forward in the coming year.”

Senator Casey’s legislation is designed to support smaller companies by spurring capital investments, which in turn fuels economic activity and creates construction jobs.  In addition to construction jobs, as employers expand their stores and restaurants, they will also need additional workers. According to ADP, more than two thirds of the service-sector jobs created over the past twelve months were at small or medium-sized firms. This legislation will be particularly beneficial to Pennsylvania’s $18 billion restaurant industry, which supports more than 530,000 jobs around the state.


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