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Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) is releasing a statement on the COVID-19 relief legislation:

“The COVID-19 relief legislation is a bipartisan compromise that will put money in the pockets of working families and invest vital dollars into vaccine deployment. While agreement on this latest COVID-19 relief bill is welcome and long overdue, the legislation is nowhere near what must be done to address the full scope of our Nation’s public health and economic crisis. Due to the intransigence of Senate Republicans, this relief bill does not include critically-needed money to state and local governments to prevent service cuts and layoffs of firefighters, law enforcement and local health departments. It also lacks meaningful policies and investments to protect nursing home residents and workers and to allow seniors and people with disabilities to receive needed care at home. I will continue to fight for these measures. When a new Congress convenes in January and President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are sworn in, we must begin work on bold, robust legislation that will allow America to build back better and provide families a full measure of support.”