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Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Bpb Casey (D-PA) is responding to the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) new report on the Senate Republican health care bill:

“Obscene. Unconscionable.  The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has just confirmed that Pennsylvania families will pay higher costs for less care with fewer protections under the Senate Republican health care scheme in order to lavish the wealthiest with tax cuts. Many wealthy people who would receive these tax cuts don’t want them if it means a child loses Medicaid protections. Despite the deliberately misleading statements from the backers of this legislation, it is now clearer than ever that this proposed plan would decimate Medicaid, impose an age tax and hike premiums, while risking job loss at rural hospitals. And for those families struggling with the opioid crisis, this bill pulls the rug right out from under them.

The CBO has exposed this shameful piece of legislation for what it is: an unprecedented selling out of our middle class families, children, seniors and individual with disabilities. It’s time for the Administration and congressional Republicans to reverse course and work in a bipartisan way to make health care more affordable.”