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WASHINGTON, DC. - U.S. Senators Bob Casey and Arlen Specter today announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded $16,069,110 to the Geisinger Health System in Danville to enhance patient care through the development of health information technology. The funding is available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“I am pleased to see that Geisinger is receiving funds to help develop health information technology,” said Senator Casey. “The emerging health IT industry will both enhance patient care and put Pennsylvanians to work, so we must do all we can to aid its growth.”

“This funding is great news for the Geisinger Health System and the entire region.” Senator Specter said. “Geisinger has always been a leader in the health care industry so it’s fitting they have been selected as a pilot community to spearhead critical technological improvements which will increase patient safety, eliminate health care errors and reduce overall health care costs.”

“This investment will not only lay a foundation for our nation’s health IT industry and create many jobs in our region, it will lead to better care for families in our community,” Congressman Carney said. “Geisinger is an exemplary organization and I’m proud our community will lead the way in this emerging industry.”

The funding is available as part of $220 million in Recovery Act funds awarded through HHS’s Beacon Communities program. Geisinger was selected as one of 15 communities across the country to serve as a pilot community for eventual wide-scale use of health information technology. Senator Casey sent a letter in support of Geisinger’s application for the Beacon Community program.

The Beacon Communities funds will not only help achieve meaningful and measurable improvements in health care quality, safety and efficiency in the selected communities, but also help lay the groundwork for an emerging health IT industry that is expected to support tens of thousands of jobs.

Geisinger will use its funds to enhance care for patients with pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure by creating a community-wide medical home, promoting Health Information Exchange and extending Geisinger’s proven model for practice redesign to independent healthcare organizations throughout region.


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