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WASHINGTON. - U.S. Senators Bob Casey and Arlen Specter today announced that the Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded $853,962 to Quanta Technologies, Inc. in Malvern to focus on improving the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings. The funding is available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

“The federal funding that has been awarded to Quanta Technologies to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in Pennsylvania is another example of the way the Recovery Act is benefitting the Commonwealth,” said Senator Casey.  “This money will not only provide the tools necessary to make Pennsylvania’s buildings more energy efficient, but also help further establish a green workforce with technical expertise to reduce energy costs for consumers.”
“I am pleased to see stimulus funds being used for developing energy efficient window and envelope projects at Quanta Technologies, Inc., in Malvern, PA,” said Senator Specter.  “In addition to creating training programs which will bolster Pennsylvania’s job market, this funding will help to reduce energy costs and ensure a more environmentally friendly future for the Commonwealth.”  

The funding is part of $76 million announced today by the DOE for 58 projects across the country to support advanced energy-efficient building technology projects, help make the nation’s buildings more energy efficient and cost-effective and develop training programs for commercial building equipment technicians, building operators, and energy auditors.

Quanta Technologies, Inc. is receiving funding for a project focusing on improving the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings through technology advances in windows and envelope components, which are necessary to achieve significant energy savings and performance.

More information on the Energy Efficient Building Technologies Program can be found at


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