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Washington DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following the Administration’s announcement of the Clean Power Plan.

“The evidence of climate change is overwhelming and there’s no doubt that human activities are a major factor. Addressing climate change is key for our nation’s economic security, national security, public health and the health of our environment. Today, the President laid out a substantial plan to address the challenges of climate change. In November, I wrote the Administration a letter outlining the need to strike the right balance in formulating this plan. I appreciate the consideration that the Administration has given to the needs of states like Pennsylvania when it comes to implementation. Specifically, the EPA has based the plan on the capabilities of states and provided states with flexibility in how they can comply with the plan, points I have raised directly with the Administration.

While I intend to carefully review the plan President Obama outlined today, there’s no question about the need for action. There’s also no question that the Administration and Congress need to focus on policies that help those workers in the energy sector that are adversely impacted by the rule. In Article I Section 27 of Pennsylvania’s State Constitution our citizens are promised the, ‘right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment.’ The State Constitution acknowledges that we have an obligation to protect our natural resources because they belong to ‘all the people, including the generations to come.’ I support the need for a comprehensive climate change plan. We must act.”


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