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Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) is releasing a statement following agreement on the third coronavirus (COVID-19) relief package:

“For days, Senate Democrats have been fighting for a COVID-19 relief bill that helps workers and families, not just special interests. We held firm in our insistence that the health and security of Americans must take precedence over corporate bailouts. The bill that the Senate is now considering provides significant funding to combat this public health emergency, including a $150 billion “Marshall Plan” for hospitals, nursing homes and community health centers, providing them with the resources they desperately need. It includes necessary aid to workers and families like an unprecedented investment in unemployment insurance, and over $377 billion in immediate relief for small businesses and additional resources for medium-sized businesses. I am also pleased that it includes provisions from my bill, the Coronavirus Relief for Seniors and People with Disabilities Act, to support seniors at home, including new resources and flexibilities for nutrition services, and to protect nursing home residents from this terrible virus.

Unlike Congressional Republicans, who refused to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act when a Democratic President proposed it to rescue the American economy in 2009, Democrats worked with a Republican Administration to help all Americans during this time of national crisis. This agreement could have been even better for Main Street if not for the intransigence of Senate Republicans, who prioritized Wall Street and corporate interests over hardworking Americans. This legislation must be the beginning of Congress’ efforts to address this public health crisis and stabilize our economy, not the end. I will continue to press for additional action and push the Administration to get money out the door quickly and ensure that Americans receive the immediate relief they need.”