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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement after the Senate passed a budget deal to avert a government shutdown:

“Brinksmanship and short-term appropriations bills are no way to run a government.  A government shutdown would hurt the economy and hurt Pennsylvanians.  I am pleased a government shutdown has been avoided for now.  However, the difficulties in performing the basic function of keeping the government operating does not bode well for the work ahead to create jobs and cut spending.  In the future, I hope that commonsense and bipartisan compromise can replace politics and posturing.”

In February, Senator Casey introduced legislation (S.388) with Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) to deny pay to Members of Congress and the President in the event of a shutdown.  This bill passed the Senate on March 1st.  Senator Casey urged the House to pass this legislation, however the House has not voted on the bill.  Senator Casey also pledged to not take his pay during a government shutdown.

In order to ensure the military is paid during a shutdown, Senator Casey joined with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) to introduce the bipartisan Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act of 2011 (S. 724). This legislation has been endorsed by a number of groups including the Military Officers Association of America, Association of the United States Army, Marine Corps League, Association of the United States Navy, Air Force Association, Iraq-Afghanistan Veterans of America, Blue Star Families and Gold Star Wives.

Senator Casey also joined with moderate Democratic Senators in sending a letter to Speaker John Boehner urging him to prevent a shutdown of the federal government that would hurt our country’s still-fragile economy and distract from the need to work together to address greater, long-term fiscal challenges.


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