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Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement after President-elect Trump nominated Betsy Devos for Secretary of Education:

“As a member of the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee I will closely examine Betsy DeVos’ qualifications and record and pose questions regarding the need to invest in our children’s future through public education. I have serious concerns about Betsy DeVos’ commitment to adequately funding public schools in Pennsylvania and throughout our nation. I believe that children who learn more earlier in life will earn more later, but that can only happen when all our public schools have the resources they need for serving all children. Betsy DeVos’ record on these issues is very concerning, and I plan to ask Ms. DeVos specific questions about her views on public education how her vision for fulfilling the obligations of the Secretary of Education.”
