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Washington DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs, released the following statement on the situation in Egypt:

“During this challenging period in Egypt’s transition, I urge all parties to refrain from violence in the wake of today’s events.  I am hopeful that the path forward will allow for peaceful political transition under a civilian leadership that leads to an election process that is inclusive, transparent and reflects the will of the Egyptian people.  Elections, however, are but one step in the democratic process – the new transitional authority must engage constructively with all political actors and finally begin the hard work of building democratic institutions that remain severely underdeveloped throughout Egypt.

In April, I traveled to Egypt and saw firsthand the economic and political challenges in the country.  As the largest Arab country, what happens in Egypt matters for the rest of the Middle East. Democratic reform will take time following years of autocratic rule by Mubarak and democratic backsliding in recent years.  During this tenuous period, the U.S. should be vigilant in support of the democratic process, a free and open press and minority rights in the country.  With responsible leadership, a constructive opposition, and vibrant dialogue among all political actors, Egypt can once again emerge as a genuine leader in the region and a valued partner of the United States. 


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